
About Gvanim




Gvanim provides a broad range of opportunities for people with different disabilities. Our method is based on a personal and communal approach - each individual develops his personal plan, accompanied by professional team member. This approach helps each individual to formulate independent decision-making processes and to acquire the tools and skills required to realize current and future personal goals and dreams. The individual work plans are integrated into one or more of the services scheme provided by the organization.

Gvanim provides guidance and facilitates development of skills in the field of employment and career management, guidance through and during enlisting to military and national-civic service, professional studies and academic degrees, entrepreneurship and participation in social involvement, housing solutions and more. The individual work process is interwoven with group activity, alongside being part of the community - as part of personal and communal empowerment, in which all the parties benefit.

Gvanim was founded in 1987 by members of the urban kibbutz in Sderot, and today provides for more than 1,500 people with disabilities of all kinds, a range of over 30 programs nationwide, which includes an exclusive specialization for young people between the ages of 18 and 35.

Gvanim encourages dreaming and gives each person a wide range of tools and personal accompaniment that is required to achieve one's dream. As part of this, individuals must choose and define a goal in three areas of life, and includes community contribution and social entrepreneurship. Gvanim considers the service recipients as full partners in the development of programs - which were often adopted by the various government ministries.

The goal of Gvanim is to help people with disabilities develop skills for independent life and full self-realization, and to enable them to experience and live a vibrant and full life through the perception of EQUAL. Because we are all Different. Equal. and Partners!


מה חדש

מתנה עם נשמה - עמותת גוונים

מתנה עם נשמה

כ-80 אנשים שעברו משבר נפשי, ומבקשים לשוב אל שוק התעסוקה, יוצרים מתנות במרכז התעסוקה של "גוונים" .

משתתפים בסדנת אוהל אברהם

אוהל אברהם" - יולי 2024

כ-150 צעירים כבר השתתפו בתוכנית, ודיווחו על שיפור משמעותי בהתמודדותם עם תחושות האובדן.

עובדים צעירים בעמותת גוונים יושבים על הספה

עבודה עם משמעות

לעבוד בעמותת "גוונים": ערכים, סיפוק, משמעות, וסביבת עבודה צעירה !